We're not just company distributing fans to farmers. We are a team 8 who believe that there is simply a better way to bring cool fresh air to animals in barns when winter is a challenge. This collective mindset led by a mission got us to where we are today. We develop and manufacture high quality farm heat exchangers and other ventilation equipments for visionary farmers concerned about energy efficiency and green gas emissions.
We've got one mission: To reduce our client's total energy cost, increase their profitability and improve poultry performance while making significant reduction on green gas emissions. We strive to bring you a heat exchanger that will make you change the way you think about winter ventilation.
Why heat exchangers? Every liter of water produce from animal respiration, drinking spills, propane or natural gas combustion increase barn humidity. In winter, the warm moist air from a building must be evacuated through ventilation and replaced with an identical volume of fresh cold air at anytime. Heat exchanger technology recovers the heat from the moist air to warm up the incoming cool fresh air before it is discharge in the barn.
2016 - As poultry farmers , we saw the potential of heat recovery in Canadian poultry farms and what it could mean for the industry as a whole. So, our team developed the Avi35 exchanger from the inspiration we got using a few popular exchangers that where on the market. With farming experience behind us and our own barns and facilities to test the first prototype, R&D was rapid and the first commercial exchanger hit the market the following year.
With a continuous desire to improve efficiency, Avi-Air needed to find away to reduce the power usage from its exchanger ventilators. In 2023, ECI motors with integrated drives replaced the AC motors that were running on triacs to vary ventilator RPM. This was a great deal as now the heat exchanger can run even slower to improve maximum recovery efficiency while decreasing power demand by many folds at low RPM.
Today, our team focus to improve not only heat exchanger ventilation but ventilation systems as a whole using ECI technology.